For Families » 21-22 Welcome Back

21-22 Welcome Back

Greetings Del Rey Families! 

I hope everyone had a safe and rejuvenating summer!  I am looking forward to the 2021-22 school year, and I am confident that our collective experiences over the last year and a half have prepared us for the challenges ahead.  Personally, the return to full day, in-person instruction never sounded as exciting as it does now after our time apart! 


Our number one priority between now and the first day of school (August 19th) is to get everyone registered.  If you are returning to Del Rey, you only need to complete the Data Confirmation, explained in the email sent by the district office on August 5th.  Data Confirmation consists of updating your personal information in the Aeries Parent Portal.  If you are new to the district, or have friends, family, or neighbors that have not yet registered, please go to the Del Rey webpage and click on “New Student Enrollment” to begin the enrollment process. 


I am sure that everyone has many questions about the safeguards and processes we have put in place to keep everyone safe as we return to full day, in-person instruction.  Please look for additional communication from me, which I will also post on the Del Rey web page.  At this time, the following will be in effect this year:

  • Students and staff will continue to complete the Student Daily Self-Assessment Survey
  • Only students and school personnel will be allowed on campus
  •   Drop-Off and Pick-Up for pedestrians will be at the Del Rey Park gate, and/or in the loop by the MPR
  • Vehicle Drop-Off and Pick-up will be at the Via Mesa Gate (back of the school)
  • Students and staff will continue to wear masks indoors (except for breakfast and lunch)
  • Breakfast and lunch will be free for all students for the 2021-22 school year 

Please complete the Meal Application by clicking here.


New this year, on August 18th (the day before school starts) from 12:30-3:30, families are invited to drive through the new loop to receive student name tags with lanyards, vehicle placards, and learn their teacher’s name and room number.  Families that are unable to attend are encouraged to check the Aeries Parent Portal after 4:00 pm on 8/18 to learn their student’s teacher.  Staff will also be making calls and sending emails to families to introduce themselves and answer questions. 


Please join Dr. Camp (our superintendent) tonight from 6:00-7:30 for a Welcome Back Informational Town Hall meeting.  Topics will include:

  •       Learning and Safety Expectations for the Beginning of the School Year
  •       Data-Confirmation Process
  •       Non-In-Person Learning Opportunities
  •       Join Zoom Meeting:  


Have a wonderful rest of the summer! I truly miss our students, and am looking forward to getting back to a more normal and predictable schedule, where all students, families, and staff work together in concert to facilitate the best learning experience possible for our students. I also urge you to regularly check the Del Rey website ( for updates. Until then, please email me at [email protected] or contact our office manager Ms. Tawanda at [email protected] (510) 317-5011 if you have questions or need support.


Thank you,


Don Carpenter


[email protected]